SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

After a while of awaited anticipation, the Digidestined and Lodgers are finally invited to Igithroy, the AUU world of AUU Digimon, the Dicthymon, which are much different than Digimon in many ways, thanks to Zosimo's relative Rycroft the Digimaker, who was just promoted as a member of the Dictymon International Correctional Organization. He explains that they come from an artificial pocket dimension called the Dictyverse, which is sparsely different than the Digital World, as it's El Dorado-like ancient people created the dimension after discovering a dying entity of living data and converted it into a pocket dimension, and because it tried to become a living mortal by bathing in a primordial reservoir, the resulting chain reaction drained the entire pool, combining data and biology to create Dictymon and the Dictyverse. This version of Digimon have triple-stranded DNA, they can learn quickly, they can evolve through their growth span, and they can be found in the wild across Igithroy, being caught and trained to coexist with what they refer to as 'senths', or non-Dictymon, as their perspective among them can seem alien and thus they need guidance. They can learn to become fully-sentient only through other sentient beings, and by present day they've become so popular that only 41% of the UUniverses' population owns one, yet needs legal registration to own one since they're pretty dangerous, especially when some can go rogue without proper rehabilitation. However, the UIS finds use for these creatures, and seeks to hack this data-based pocket dimension, as well as the Digital World, to start a digital war that will allow revenge and for them to craft the ruined creatures into digital supersoldier pets as a next step in their quest for getting the AUU to forsake the USRA, even if they happen to get demolished in the process.


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