SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki
Raste Trodd Jenalubla
Dr. Jenalubla
Vital statistics
Title Doctor Jenalubla
Gender Male
Race/Species Rugholn Ohrugan
Faction Independent Criminologist Researching Origin And Nature Of Villains Act
Description Intelligent, Resourceful, Problem-Solving, Underappreciated, Confused, Prosthetic Right Holo-Arm
Skills and Abilities Natural Being Abilities, High-Level Investigative Intelligence, Holo-Arm Allows Holographic Projection
Status Alive
Location Alternate UUniverses
  • Pörtinz City, Breezso Prime (Alpha Universe, Orphyne Sector, Breeszo System) (Hometown and Current Residence)
Alignment Neutral

Dr. Raste T. Jenalubla is an Alternate UUniversal Rugholun Ohrugan from Planet Breeszo Prime. He was born as the son of a cop father and an intelligence agent mother, and when he grew up, he gained a job as a criminologist and criminal scientist who studied the history of villainy, and eventually, after hearing of Other UUniversal heroes claiming their villains are kept under control, he decided to study why villains in his world build up and their don't. He has become famous for his studies and theories, and they have made a great impact on the reconstruction of the AUU after the Villains Act's fall. In fact, he's the cousin of the creator of M.A.V.I.S, Doctor Idmon Parns. However, his rescearh is also controverseal cause some perfer to forget the VA ever happened, and his collages do occationaly question his interest in the VA, resulting with him have to do his rescearh independently thanks to either those who would rather forget or those that question the possability of the VA being figured out at all.


Coming soon...
