SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Ratchet and the Anti-Team Nefarious Freedom Fighters hang out with Electross once again 2 days before Ratchet's birthday, but Electross wonders why Ratchet hasn't bothered trying to reunite with his race after the Dimensionator has been reused multiple times. Ratchet explains that not only did he agree with Clank about the risks that wormhole device posed, but he feels he is just not ready. When the Lodgers, other hero teams, and everyone else he knows show up to Ratchet during his party on Veldin, Clank's present, surprisingly enough, is the Dimensionator he took after the end of Into the Nexus fully repaired, explaining that he did so because he didn't want Ratchet to wait any longer for a chance to discover more about himself and his purpose. Ratchet, though a bit shocked, eventually does accept. However, later that night, Ratchet and Clank end up getting sucked into a portal to the Lombax dimension when the Dimensionator goes mysteriously haywire. The Freedom Fighters discover them gone the next morning and the Dimensionator in pieces. When they confront the Lodge, they plan a rescue mission to get him back. Meanwhile, Ratchet and Clank find themselves lost in a world populated by Lombaxes. Yet spontaneously, the citizens recognize him as the son of the Keeper of the Dimensionator, and take them to see their leader, President Hyperion, who was the son of the leader of the Lombaxes during Tachyon's attack. After the duo explain their history, and about how they defeated Tachyon and met Azimuth and Electross, Hyperion was not only surprised that Azimuth would go to extreme lengths just to undo his mistake, but was amazed at how a Cragmite wanted to make peace with both of their races. While Ratchet would learn a lot from his race including their weapons, technology, language, and many others, making new friends and enemies along the way including a female Lombax named Taya Phaselock, a Lombax smuggler and bounty hunter named Shiv Warcon, a bitter Lombax in the form of Azimuth's brother in the Lombax Praetorian Guard, Axton Azimuth, a Lombax scientist named Clift MacGuffin, and many others, Electross would provide the Lodgers and Freedom Fighters with what they need to get Ratchet and Clank back. However, Team Nefarious has been spying on them, being the ones responsible for sabotaging the Dimensionator in order to plan an assault on the Lombax dimension with Nefarious waiting too long for Ratchet to actually get his travel there over with, taking whatever they can and making the Lombaxes their robot-icized slaves. Will our heroes get to the Lombax dimension before Team Nefarious?
