SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki
Iron Bull

Ironus Norm Silverskin

Ironus Norm Silverskin aka Iron Bull is a superior bull similar to Iron Will, and a member of The Amazing 9. He is just like Rockathor, but is not that humorous, and is also rough and foul-tempered. His powers include super-longevity, super-strength, super-endurance, and hooves, horns and a skeleton made of iron steel.

  • MCode: AhSeSlSs


Before Exile[]

Ironus was born on Kratos in an Italian-themed city similar to Porta Corsa. His parents were tough and were renowned wrestlers. They had hooves of steel...literally, they were made of iron. Even if they had boxing gloves on, the iron on their hooves made the beating twice as powerful. This trait made them extremely famous. Ironus' father was known as Iron Lung, and his mother was known as Brutelyn the Bad. In difficult times, Ironus' parents had to use their horns to win (not the violent way like slicing through the opponent's chest, but by headbutting the opponent)

Ironus dreamed of being like them, and had his first test when he was 16. He learned his mother's Uppercut technique, where she uses her head to uppercut the opponent, and he also learned his father's Head-Shield technique, where he uses his head to shield himself from attacks. He soon became Iron Bull the Headbutter. But when Grinchgrog took over, evil superiors appeared and used their super-strength to break Ironus' parents' horns off like it was styrofoam. In a quest for payback, Ironus used his horns and wrestling skills to defend his parents. And when he overwhelmed them, he left to join the Grinchgrog Resistance, where he helped Grotch defeat and exile Grinchgrog, and earn his membership in The Amazing Ten. But it didn't last after he was betrayed by his teammate Von Gloom, and had his memories erased, his powers disabled (his horns turning into regular bone), and exiled into the Dragon Realms.

After Exile[]

Ironus was exiled to the Dragon Realms version of Porto Corsa, Italy. He was adopted by 2 bull parents, and went by the name Irene Ironwitz. Even with his erased memories, he still had his wrestling skills, and became a great wrestler. He soon got bored of his new life, and left for New York where he became an astronaut with his old teammates. But when he got his powers back thanks to a bite of a radioactive grasshopper, he and his teammates came back as The Amazing Nine.


Ironus is incredibly strong, able to bench-press 500 lbs, and lift objects 500 times his size. He can also remain active for 5 hours without getting tired. Indicated by his name, Ironus' entire skeletal system is made entirely out or iron steel, able to withstand trememdous tons of force. He also has a long lifespan, allowing him to live for thousands of years.
