SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

The March Hare

The March Hare is a character and a friend and sidekick of The Mad Hatter from SpongeBob and Friends and Alice in Wonderland. Of course, he's mad, too. It is him Alice decides to visit. In the book it was explained that this was because it was the month of May, and Alice hoped he might be less mad as a result. He and his friend The Mad Hatter always celebrate unbirthday partys and drink Tea in different ways. he is like the other wacky uncle to the louge and a friend of Mad Hatter.

In the SpongeBob version, He became a Shell Louger, due to Cynder freeing him and his world from ever lasting darkness of the villain leage, and the corrupted queen of hearts. although, he and the other wonderlandians had a funny way to show graditude by nearly hanging her and the lougers, but at least the White Rabbit and the crows was able to stop them. They even discover that the farm of Rock-A-Doodle is where he grew up, born in May, and ended up going mad because of an incident involving tea, and was cast off to Wonderland. He later comes back to his homeland because March Hare hears that his friend Chanticleer has been banished because of manipulation to Lodgers' and Pooh's long-time enemy, The Grand Duke of Owls, and it's up to the Lodgers to set things right when the Duke finds a hostage from the live-action UUniveses in the form of a little boy turned kitten named Edmond.


  • "I have an excellent idea. Let's change the subject."
  • "The time? The time? Who's got the time?"
  • "Just half a cup, If you don't mind."