SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Tri-Corn has announced that a new casino chain from the Alternate Universe shall be opened up for all to enjoy, and introdused by casino tycoon Sunful Deersworth, who opens what is known as "The Sun-Deer Casino", where it's motto is "Gambling Has Evolved Beyond the 21st Centaury. Would you like to follow?". It also gained a surprisingly public approving status by the fact Sunful gives out donations to charities, builds up several broken orphanages, and opens a sanutary for endangered alternate animals for the costamers to enjoy. Icky and Iago deside to try out this casino themselves, along with Prince Scorpo and their usual gambling buddies. However, Sunful isn't what he appears to be. He's actselly the crimelord "Reague", and is a Secret Founder of the VA. However, he's not out in making the Sun-Deer Casino to aide the VA's growth, as Reague desided to retire from secret foundership apawn the request of his moraly cautious daughter Lady Sinda and has changed his name and has gone legit. Problem is, Reague knows that Icky and Iago would intent on arresting him reguardless cause both of his status as an albeit retired crimeboss and that he helped founded the VA. Already ruling out simply having the two killed, he insteads desides to get rid of them legitly, by simply causing the two bird-brains to become addicted to gambling to the point of causing themselves to go broke and forcing them to pay off their dept as workers, make them go through humiliating labor bad enough that it'll make the two swear to never come back to the casino ever again. But has Reague ended up foolishly underestimating these two bird brains and actselly believes the two won't investigate this further?


Coming soon...
