SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

With all of the enemies defeated, Spyro has come up with a way to stop Drake and his super mega empire scheme for good. Spyro, and all of the lougers intent on to gather all of the sacret artifacts used to defeat his family before and use Drake's imperialsation of the United Universes plan against him by creating a millaterry of their own, weapons and magic far stonger then the villains, With the Guardians, Lougers, High Council, and the Sactuary as the governors, mayors, kings, other types of rule of the worlds of their origin and the Angel of Light has brought back the Judge of Darkness now reformed and back to his formerself before his courrpeted madness and now seeks the exicute Drake for his treason, restore the balance between light and darkness and dispan the evil super empire for good. However, there is still his personal ambition to hunt down Cobra that lead to his betrayal to the Orginal Guardians of the United Universe in the first place. Can they be able to stop him from going down that path again?
