SpongeBob & Friends Adventures Wiki

Our remaining four did their best to avoid the mysterious forces, but eventually, they were finally caught and taken to a mysterious location. Thus, our heroes discovered the 6th faction, The Restoration Monarchy of Messerart, ruled by, surprising, the loved ones of the main faction leaders. Empress Impala of the Orcran Empire, Jessyine Businesson of the Adurene State, Tomson Cantauri of the Cantauri federation, Kreema The Delicate of the Czpecial Republic, and finally, Co-Director Skaley of the Gabolline Directorate. These five in secret have founded a secret goverment dedicated to bring Messerart into true peace by having the conflicting goverments disbanned, deeming their conflcits over idealogy both pointless and dangerious to the planet, in more ways then just "war being hell". They explain that the planet was created by a transdimentional race of translusent beings that hated conflicts of any kind, so they created a planet away from their original dimention where the planet is made that if a conflict ever happens, it's beautiful evioment will wilter and turn into a treacherious landscape, in being meant to discourage conflict if any of the beings conflicted with eachother. However, the trans-beings eventually left when their home dimention started to become better and left behind their planet with warnings that "If you wish to live here, always get along with your neightbers, or else no one will be happy", of which sadly were too well hidden for the 5 factions to noticed. Though understanding why the group wants to bring peace, they called them out for kidnapping Inigo, the only one capable to calm those conflicting half-wits down. However, they insist that it was so he can better understand that he needs to do more then just make them co-exist peacefully, but to have them ceased their idealogical nonsense and accept eachother no matter what. Easier said then done. The Orcran empire has very outdated views, The Adurene State is too focused on self-sustainting and profits, The Cantauri are too determined to cease, along with the Czpecial republic, and the Gabolline Directorate isn't exactly the pinicale of taking criticisums easy. It doesn't exactly help that the process of the planet becoming tainted by conflict isn't exactly a quick process, small disagreements not being enough, but if the war is allowed to happen, it's effects will be exsellerated through the roof! And on top of that, a trandimentional demon from the trans-beings dimention is playing the puppet master and keeping the main leaders in a state of over-determination and ignorence so we can turn the world of Messerart into his paraside of conflict, suffering and hate. The heroes need to free the leaders from this demon's control and banish him back to where he came. Can Messerart be saved from being a mess of a planet?
